Are there holes in your security?
If anything enters your facility from below ground, the answer is “yes.” If those manholes aren’t secured with the LockDown™ device, then your infrastructure is vulnerable.
You control access to your facilities, data and equipment, yet the access points to your communications and data lines or other critical infrastructure are often covered by an unsecured, removable lid.
We recommend Abloy locks. These locks are virtually pick-proof, neither have no pins or tumblers, and have patented restricted blanks.
For an additional level of security, with LightLOC we can provide real-time monitoring so that you’ll know the moment someone is trying to get into a manhole.
*NOTE: Videos are password protected for security. To obtain video passwords, please contact us via the form above, by emailing secure@lockdowninc.com or by calling us at 866-399-2512.
The patented LockDown™ is used to secure some of the most sensitive and secure facilities in the world, including military installations, the Pentagon, embassies abroad and the White House. (We are on the GSA schedule.) Our customers also include universities, telecoms, data centers, distribution centers, municipalities, airports, corporations and manufacturers.